August 24, 2023

Meet SOOP Strategies team member Avi Inbar, VP Business Development

Avi Inbar, SOOP team memberQ: How did your path lead you to SOOP Strategies?  

A: My path was long and winding, but after years in security I was looking for something more meaningful. Following that, early on in my journey of discovery I met Sabrina, we connected and remained in touch for several years until an opportunity presented itself for me to join the team. I jumped on it and here we are!

Q: What is it about SOOP Strategies that you enjoy the most?

A: I enjoy many things. I can’t pick one because they represent different aspects of our work. I love our team, the variety of clients and projects, the ability to have a say in where we go, the excitement of growing in an important field…

Q: If you could spend a day doing anything you want with money not being an issue, what would it be?

A: I would take my wife anywhere she wanted in the world. She loves travelling and deserves it.

Q: Do you have a favourite holiday tradition?

A: Sleeping in! But also spending time with family, watching a movie or playing games.

Q: Your favourite vacation destination?

A: It used to be Greece, but I haven’t been in a while. I think I prefer to find new places rather than return to favourites. My ideal vacation involves food, sleep, some exercise, some hiking. With family!

Q: If you could meet someone famous, who would it be?

A: That depends… what am I allowed to ask them? Can I inject them with truth serum? Because if so, I would love to ask some politicians a few questions… If not, then I’d go for Prince (assuming we are talking alive or dead), and I’d ask him to jam for me.

Q: Is there someone from the past you would like to meet?

A: Probably the first human that ever tried to drink milk from an animal. How did they get that idea???

Q: What is something no-one really knows about you?

A: I have many running shoes. Too many…

Q: Cats or dogs?

A: I have and love both! It depends on the mood and your needs. I do want to try a pet pig and pet turkey in the future. Still working on approvals from management.

Q: How do you take your coffee/tea?

A: Espresso-based coffee with milk (non-dairy preferably, something like oat milk), no sugar.

Q: Is there a childhood memory that had a profound impact on you?

A: I grew up in a small town in the middle of a forest. I think my childhood taught me to appreciate nature. My mother was an environmentalist before it was cool to be one and was fighting big corporations to prevent them from paving roads in conservation areas where I grew up. She succeeded, too.

Q: If you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?

A: Do what you like and makes you happy. Not what you think others expect or want you to do. And stick around good people.

Q: What does sustainability mean to you?

A: Being a good person… understanding that what we do has consequences that we may not need to deal with, but others will – that’s the essence of being a good person.

Q: Words of wisdom to the next generation?

A: Act fast. Don’t wait for the right opportunity or for someone’s approval.


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